Friday, May 17, 2013

Somethings a float in public pools.

Everyone loves taking a good dip in a cool swimming pool in the summers hot days but recent study done by the CDC discovered that in 57 percent of pools they tested last summer tested positive for poop. yes poop. There is a wide number of ways the fecal matter could have gotten in the pool ranging from someone not quite getting it all to full on floaters. This is an alarming amount of pools considering fecal matter can lead to E-coli which is really bad for your health. The main question that has come about from this is how to keep the poop out. Researchers have suggested that swimmers bathe completely before getting into the public pool and those who may be sick with diarrhea simply sit out of the fun.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


how would you feel about looking your death in the eye and than hours before your scheduled to die its put on hold. that is basically what happened to Willie Jerome, a man sentenced to death for slaying two college students. the court said they needed to hold off on the execution until further investigation of recent controversies in the case. there was some talk of possible errors in ballistic analysis.  Willies lawyers claim that with recent evidence willie could be cleared of charges. there was also apparent mess up with hair analysis from the scene. Willie was arrested after apparently being caught selling things that belonged to the victims. Hopefully this whole thing will be cleared up and everything will be OK.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


social networking is everywhere these days. it seems like children as young as 12 have twitters. its crazy to think about. these millions of accounts are supposed to be protected but recently the Associated Presses twitter account was hacked. the hackers soon after gaining access to this account sent out several false tweets about the White house being attacked. they stated that two bombs were blown at the white house causing president Obama to be injured. this story was quickly corrected but not soon enough to prevent the Dow Jones to go down 143 points. it went back up soon after though. its weird to think how something as simple as a false story can have an effect on the economy.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


imagine a world with water where ever you need to get it and it is not earth. Recently the Kepler Telescope discovered two planets circling a star right in the zone it needs to be to sustain life. one is on the inside edge and the other towards the outside edge. Both planets are between 40 and 60 percent larger than earth. they are unable to identify any land masses on the planet but are able to identify liquid on the planets surface. this brings hope to the possibility of worlds such as ours and possibly life forms.

Monday, April 1, 2013

North Korean fight

North Korea has finally thrown the first punch to the United States. On Sunday March 31 crew members on a north Korean battle destroyer pulled into Pearl Harbor launching Bags of half eaten sandwiches and raw fish. This pollution comes as a big blow to Pearl Harbor attracting Hundreds of Seagulls and other scavenger birds. these birds have pooped all over the roads causing multiple low speed collisions on local roads. No one has died yet from these horrific slow bangs but its only a matter of time until someone gets a bruise. The United States has already released details for their retaliation. Plans for launching homeless people into North Korean boarders has already been put into action in hopes for raising the population there so much that even the soldiers wont be able to find jobs. One thing is certain though. this is going to be a horrible blood shedding war.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Alien or Fish prank

This winter has been a horrible winter. Snow seemed to have fallen at least once a day through out the country. recently though residence of Eden New York feel they may have had a little more than just snow falling. During one of the last snow storm an Eden resident was looking outside at the pond she lives next to when she noticed strange formations in the ice. it appeared that giant circles had been cut into the snow. No one has been able to explain what caused the ice be this way for the ice was to thin to walk on with out cracking it all. could this be a prank put on by local water enhanceable or a sign from a foreigner from another world. we may never know.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Monkey buisiness

the phrase monkeying around might have a new meaning. On March 19, 2013 scientists have come to the conclusion that teamwork has its roots all the way back to where we have our roots. scientists took chimpanzees and gave them a few simple tools and left them with a task of pulling grapes out of a box. they discovered that the chimps would work together to accomplish a task that interests them both. in some cases they would even swap tools if one uses is better. this shows that our traits as humans stand out more than we thought they did. so whats gonna work? how about a little monkeying around.